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There are three. The sinking of the British liner Lusitania by German submarines that killed 128 US citizens, the Zimmermann telegram in which Germany promised aid for a Mexican invasion of the United States and the fact that if the Allied Forces lost, they wouldn't be able to pay back the money they borrowed from America.

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Q: What are two reasons the US joined World War 1?
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Two reasons US was lead to world war 1?

One of the main reasons that Us joined the war was due to there cruse ship being shot down by some of German submarines

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it ended when the U.S. joined world war two

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France and England, the Allies, later joined by the US

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two years

When did the US join the world war 2 and why?

The USA joined for two reasons. Firstly, the Japanese bombed an American naval base in Pearl Harbor (Hawaii). Secondly, they wanted to stop Hitler from eliminating the Jewish people.

What were two reasons for the U.S. to enter world war 1?

The Lusitania and the Zimmerman Note

How many men joined the US military in world war 2?

The answer to your question: 16,353,700 men & women served in the armed forces during World War Two.

What are two reasons the us got involved in world war ii?

US got in the war because of the bombing in pearl harbor.

Which country did not remain neautral in the world war two?

It would be easier to name the countries which suceeded in remaining neutral in World War 2; Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Uruguay, and maybe a few others. All the rest eventually joined one side or the other, and some joined both sides. It was truly a world war.

What was the cause of war world one and war world two?

World War I started when a Serbian assassinated the Franz Ferdinand, an Austrian archduke. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia, France, and Britain joined in on Serbia's side. Italy and Germany joined in on the Austria-Hungary side. World War II started when Germany invaded Poland and France. Britain declared war on Germany. The US entered later after Japan attacked the US at Pearl Harbor.

What are two countries that belonged to the central powers?

In World War I, the Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire. They were joined by Bulgaria in 1915. Italy refused to go to war despite the Triple Alliance, and later joined the Allies (the Entente Powers led by Great Britain, France, and Russia).