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Many slaves had served in the Civil War. There were about 4 million slaves under bondage by the end of the Civil War.

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Q: What are the number of slaves in US at the end of the civil war?
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At the end of the civil war the number of slaves in the US was?


What did the end of the civil war mean to the slaves?

After the civil war in America came to an end , then the slaves rejoiced as they won their freedom at last.

End results of civil war?

we dont have slaves do we

Where there many slaves?

before the end of civil war yea

How did the Southerner's feel at the end of the Civil War towers their slaves?

At the end of the US Civil War there were no slaves, they had all been freed during the war and by the fact that the South lost the war. Thus your question makes no sense and can not be answered.

How many slaves were set free at the end of the civil war?

All slaves were set free after the Civil War and slavery was banned in every state for the present and future.

Where there slaves in the Civil War?

Yes. There was slaves during the civil war.

What year did civil war end and slaves are set free?

The Civil war ended in 1865 and slaves within the U.S. states were freed in 1863 and in Confederate territories in 1865...

Would slaves be set free if they fought in the Civil War?

Technically slaves could not fight in the war unless they had permission from the owners or there owners had made them fight. But at the end of the Civil War all the slaves were set free this is what the civil war was about the North wanted the slaves to be set free but the south wanted slaves as they relied on them for there economy. this was the Cotton indusrty mainly when the North won the war they decleared all slaves free.

What did president Lincoln want to do at the end of the civil war?

Send the slaves back home

What were the specific laws regarding slavery from the 1600s to the end of the Civil War?

In the 1600's up to the end of the civil war, African slaves were not supposed to escape from their masters. If this happens, African slaves were to serve their master's for the rest of their lives.

What type of farm in NC had the most slaves?

Tobacco farms were worked by slaves until the end of the US Civil War.