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Acquisition of large territories from Mexico, which were outside the terms of the Missouri Compromise.

The new compromise included the Fugitive Slave Act, which provoked a huge protest in the North, including the novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'.

The 'Bleeding Kansas' episode and John Brown's raid on the US arsenal convinced many people that the slavery question would never be resolved, except through war.

Lincoln's win in the 1860 General Election, on a ticket of no new slave-states.

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11mo ago

The four main causes of the American Civil War were sectionalism, slavery, states' rights, and economic differences between the North and South. Sectionalism refers to the growing divide between the Northern and Southern states. Slavery was a deeply rooted issue and a major point of contention, with the South reliant on slave labor and the North against it. States' rights involved the debate over the authority of the federal government versus the states. Lastly, the economic differences between the industrialized North and agrarian South contributed to tensions.

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