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After high school, children have the option to go to college. College can range from 3 years to as long as you want to drag it out for. Also, you can go to graduate school to study a specific thing that you want to go into for a job which would be another few years depending on the program

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Q: What age do children leave school at in USA?
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What age are children allowed to leave secondary education in England?

Children in England should start secondary school by the age of 11. He or she should finish secondary school by the age of 16.

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Children typically leave nursery school around the age of 4 or 5, as they are usually ready to transition to kindergarten or pre-school. This allows them to continue their educational development and socialization in a more structured setting.

What age do kids in England end school?

16-18 depending on whether they stay on or not

What age do children start and leave school in the Caribbean?

The standard for starting school in the Caribbean is five, and the age of leaving is 18. However, there are no laws that require students to adhere to either standard.

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What age do you end elementry school in india?

How long does children in primary grades attend school?

children stay at school tilll there 18 It depends largely on the country. In Britain, a child may leave school at the age of sixteen when he receives his national insurance card.