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The Union Army had more people in the start of the Civil War, also they has rail roads

The Confederacy had better generals and was better at fighting

Hoped this helped ;)

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Q: What advantages did each side have in the Civil War?
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What advantages did each side have in the war?

The Union Army had more people in the start of the Civil War, also they has rail roads The Confederacy had better generals and was better at fighting Hoped this helped ;)

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The Chinese Civil War involved millions on each side.

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Each side in the US Civil War used snipers. They were highly trained but few in number. Their existence, however, caused soldiers on each side of the war to be fearful of being a sniper target.

What advantages did the Civil War have?

the Civil War had an advantage of a free nation

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Compare and Contrast the North and South before and during the Civil War What advantages did each side have?

What you are asking for is a considerable amount of work in the form of a essay question. That is something you need to do for yourself.

What were the main colors worn by each side during the civil war?

In the American Civil War, the Confederacy had a grey uniform and the Union had a blue uniform.

What stance did each side take in battle during the civil war?

fighting stance

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They though they had the best reason.

What was the name of the all regiment in the civil war?

That would never fit here-not even for one side (confederate or union) each state had half a dozen or more regiments on each side. see wikipedia list of civil war regiments by state or see "Civil War Archive-Regimental Index"

What strategic military advantages or drawbacks did each side have in terms of technology and military strength in the Civil War?

the union had man power and an advance industry whereas the south did not have a large man power nor industry.................

What are some tools that spies on each side used in the American Civil War?

Feminine allure - especially on the Confederate side.