Average circulated coins are valued at $1.00-$3.00 1936 is the highest mintage year.
value of a 1936 buffalo head nickel
The coin is called an Indian Head nickel or a buffalo nickel, not "buffalo head" - after all, it shows the entire buffalo! Please see the question "What is the value of a 1936 US nickel?" for more information.
The 1936 Buffalo nickel's are the highest mintage most common of all, ifit's in collectible condition the value is $1.00-$3.00 for an average coin.
The 1936 Buffalo nickel's are the highest mintage most common of all, ifit's in collectible condition the value is $1.00-$3.00 for an average coin.
Average retail value is $1.00-$3.00 depending on condition.
value of a 1936 buffalo head nickel
The coin is called an Indian Head nickel or a buffalo nickel, not "buffalo head" - after all, it shows the entire buffalo! Please see the question "What is the value of a 1936 US nickel?" for more information.
The 1936-D Buffalo nickEL is common, average condition coins are $1.00-$3.00
The 1936 Buffalo nickel's are the highest mintage most common of all, ifit's in collectible condition the value is $1.00-$3.00 for an average coin.
The 1936 Buffalo nickel's are the highest mintage most common of all, ifit's in collectible condition the value is $1.00-$3.00 for an average coin.
Average retail value is $1.00-$3.00 depending on condition.
A 1936-D Buffalo nickel is very common, assuming it's circulated values for coins in average circulated condition are $1.00-$3.00
Average circulated coins are valued at $1.00-$3.00. 1936 is the highest mintage year.
The 1936 Buffalo Nickel is not a rare date and circulated coins have values of 25 cents to $2.00 depending on grade.
1936 is one of the most common dates for buffalo nickels. On average, it's worth around one dollar.
Average circulated coins are valued at $1.00-$3.00. 1936 is the highest mintage year.
Average circulated coins are valued at $1.00-$3.00. 1936 is the highest mintage year.