All US coins dated 1972 have "LIBERTY" on them, which one? Post new question.
All US coins dated 1923 have the word Liberty on them, which one are you asking about?
No US dollar coins dated 1818
The word Liberty is on all US 1 cent coins and the date 1946 is so common the value is 2 to 3 cents
Post new question with a denomination. ALL US coins have the word LIBERTY on them.
All US coins dated 2001 have the word Liberty on them, a denomination is needed.
All US coins dated 1972 have "LIBERTY" on them, which one? Post new question.
Look at your pocket change. All US coins have the word Liberty on them. Post new question with a denomination.
All US coins dated 1923 have the word Liberty on them, which one are you asking about?
No US dollar coins dated 1818
The word Liberty is on all US 1 cent coins and the date 1946 is so common the value is 2 to 3 cents
Post new question with a denomination. ALL US coins have the word LIBERTY on them.
The US didn't mint any dollar coins in 1969.
1971-1978 US One Dollar coins are EISENHOWER dollars not Liberty dollars. The coins struck for circulation are face value only.
Which liberty coin?
It's called a Jefferson nickel and is still worth 5 cents. The word LIBERTY is on all US coins so the term is used differently. The "Liberty" name is used for coins that have a picture of Miss Liberty on them. The last Liberty nickels were minted in 1912.
Please post a new question with the coin's denomination. As you can see from your pocket change ALL US coins have the word LIBERTY on them.