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The Monroe Doctrine declared that the US would not allow any European Nation to colonize North or South America. It was issued by President Monroe.

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Q: The Monroe doctorine declared that
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What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctorine?

to prevent European expansion in the Amercia apex answer

What was the supplement to the monroe doctorine?

roosevelt corollary

What is the name of the document that restricted colonist?

Monroe doctorine

Did James Monroe write the Monroe Doctorine?

YES, and he promulgated it- brought it into effect while he President.

When was the Monroe Doctorine ratified?

The Monroe doctrine was ratified on December second eighteen twenty-three.

What principles did the US express in the monroe doctrin?

The Monroe Doctorine expressed the U.S.'s idea of independence from Europe.

The rejected the right of European nations to collect debts in the Americas by force?

monroe doctorine

What most accurately describes the central purpose of the Monroe doctorine?

The significance of the Monroe Doctrine was to have Europeans not interfere with western Hemisphere affairs this was presented by President James Monroe.

Why did president Roosevelt issue the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctorine?

He wanted to help the people in Cuba.

Documents that were dedicated to James Monroe?

the monroe doctorine and land grant document there is more but i cant find anymore. country isles rocks bye

What stated that the U.S. would prevent any future colonization by European countries in Latin America?

Monroe Doctorine

James Monroe is known for is?

James Monroe is known for the Monroe Doctorine. The Monrow Doctorine says in a nutshell that the business of the Americas is from now on to be left up to the U.S. and that Europe has no jurisdiction or right to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. It pretty much covers everything except for a "or else" clause. In other words it tells Europe to stay out of our business, but it doesn't say what we will do to them if we don't.