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The Stono or Cato Rebellion occurred in the colony of South Carolina in 1739. It was the largest uprising in the British colonies, and caused the deaths of 21 whites and 44 blacks. They wanted to get to Florida because the Spanish had promised free land and freedom for slaves. In the end, the revolt was put down, and all the slaves were either executed or sent to the West Indies.

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Q: Southern slaves in revolt try but fail to march to spanish Florida?
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When did southern slaves in revolt try but fail to march to Spanish Florida?


What three problems did Spanish Florida create for the US?

1. Indians escaped into Spanish territory after making attacks on Southern settlements. 2. Runaway slaves fled to Florida. 3. Pirates and smugglers used it as a base of operations.

Why were the Spanish offering freedom to slaves in Florida?

The Spanish offered freedom to slaves in Florida as a tactic to weaken the United States during the War of 1812. By promising freedom to enslaved individuals who escaped to Florida, the Spanish hoped to incite unrest and protect their territory from American invasion.

What did slavery have to do with Florida becoming a state?

In 1693 while under Spanish control St Augustine, Florida was a safe haven for slaves. Long before the northern Underground Railroad there was a southern Underground Railroad. Former slaves I. St Augustine were free people who could own businesses, buy houses, go to school, and be free of discrimination. It is much later when the Spanish lost control of Florida that slavery was instituted.

Spain's control of Florida created problems for the us because?

escaped slaves from the southern states sought refuge in Florida

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Indians and runaway slaves often took refuge in the swamps and forests of Florida after attacking southern settlements. These areas provided cover and protection from pursuit by authorities.

What motive did African Americans have to support the Spanish occupation of Florida?

D: The Spanish offered the slaves the opportunity to own land.

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i believe it's Florida... "The British were angry that Spanish officials tolerated and invited runaway slaves into Florida." (Wikipedia/History of Flordia/Spanish Rule)

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In regard to slavery the government of Spanish Florida?

offered freedom and protection to runaway slaves from the England colonies.

Florida settlement of mose was made up of slaves from which states?

Fort Mose in Florida was settled by escaped slaves from Georgia and South Carolina. It was established in 1739 by Spanish Colonial Governor Manuel de Montiano.

Who was Andrew Jackson supposed to attack in Florida?

James Monroe sent Jackson to attack the Seminole Indians and escaped slaves who were raiding Spanish Florida.