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The expedition's goal as stated by President Jefferson was "to explore the Missouri River, & such principal stream of it as, by its course & communication with the water of the Pacific ocean may offer the most direct & practicable water communication across this continent, for the purposes of commerce." In addition, the expedition was to learn more about the Northwest's Natural Resources, inhabitants, and possibilities for settlement.

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Q: President Jefferson wanted Lewis and Clark to find a route to the Pacific?
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What did lewis and Clark explore for president Jefferson?

the Pacific Coast

Why did president Jefferson send Lewis and clark on an expedtion to the west?

president Jefferson send Lewis and Clark on an expedition to the west because president Jefferson wanted to learn as much as he can he could about the land (Louisiana) he bought.

Who did president Jefferson choose to lead expedition to the pacific ocean?

lewis and clark ok ok +

Why did President Jefferson write this letter to Lewis and Clark?

he wanted them to find information about the louisiana territory

Why did Lewis and Clark go do the expedition?

They went because Thomas Jefferson wanted them to explore the Missouri river and the pacific ocean.

Why were Lewis and Clark sent?

Lewis and Clark were sent, because president Thomas Jefferson wanted them to explore the other side of the Mississippi river. The French sold the US the Louisiana purchase, which was double the US. They wanted to explore over there and see what they were buying. Also they wanted to see what the Pacific Ocean was like. They wanted to claim the land.

What did president Jefferson hope that Lewis and Clark expedition would locate.?

Thomas Jefferson was hoping to find a water route through the United States to the Pacific Ocean.

Why did president Jefferson need Lewis and clark on the expedition where?

President Jefferson needed Lewis and Clark to map the Louisiana Territory and to explore it.

Who explored the Louisiana Territory for President Thomas Jefferson and reached the Pacific Ocean in 1805?

An expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

What factors prompted Jefferson to sponsor the Lewis and Clark expedition?

he wanted to connect Mississippi to the pacific ocean.

What president sends Lewis and Clark on their journey?

President Jefferson

What president assigned Lewis and Clark?
