The "D" indicates the coin was minted in the Denver mint
It's the year that the coin was minted. If you look under the date you can tell where it was minted, too: "D" = Denver Mint "S" = San Francisco No letter = Philadelphia
The 1962-D Lincoln Cent {penny} was minted at the US Mint in Denver, Colorado, USA.
If you mean a US Cent, there is a 'D' below the date if it was minted in Denver, Colorado, an 'S' if it was minted in San Francisco, California. If neither of these mintmarks is there, it is from Philladelphia, Pennsylvania.
US cents minted in Philadelphia do not have a mintmark.
The "D" indicates the coin was minted in the Denver mint
It means that the coin was minted at the San Fransisco mint. If a penny has a D, it means the coin was minted at the Denver mint. If it has no mintmark, it was minted at the Philadelphia mint.
"D" under the date on a Lincoln penny denotes it was minted in Denver.What_does_the_D_mean_on_a_US_pennyWhat_does_the_D_mean_on_a_US_penny
A "D" means that the penny was minted in Denver An "S" means that the penny was minted in San Francisco (note - only proof cents are now minted there) A penny without a mint mark was minted in Philadelphia
It's the year that the coin was minted. If you look under the date you can tell where it was minted, too: "D" = Denver Mint "S" = San Francisco No letter = Philadelphia
The 1962-D Lincoln Cent {penny} was minted at the US Mint in Denver, Colorado, USA.
If you mean a US Cent, there is a 'D' below the date if it was minted in Denver, Colorado, an 'S' if it was minted in San Francisco, California. If neither of these mintmarks is there, it is from Philladelphia, Pennsylvania.
1 penny
A letter D just below the date is the mint mark for Denver.It is called a mintmark, and it signifies where the coin was minted.
It was minted in the Denver mint
US cents minted in Philadelphia do not have a mintmark.
The D refers to the city where it was minted. In this case, it would be Denver.