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Edwin M. Stanton was appointed as Secretary of War under the Abraham Lincoln administration. He was in the position during the entirety of the Civil War.

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13y ago

His name was Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania. He was appointed only because the party owed him a favor for campaign efforts.

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8y ago

From 1861-1862 Lincoln's Secretary of War was Simon Cameron. From 1862-1865 Lincoln's Secretary of War was Edwin M. Stanton.

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8y ago

Simon Cameron was Lincoln's first Secretary of War. He was replaced by Edwin M. Stanton.

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6y ago

President Lincoln's first choice as his secretary of war was Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania. Cameron was replaced for a number of reasons by Edwin M. Stanton.

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16y ago

Edwin M. Stanton

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15y ago

it was William Stanton.

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14y ago

William Stanton

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Q: Lincoln's Secretary of War
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Simple: The Secretary of War

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