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The United States was never part of the British Commonwealth, which was created long after the US gained its independence from the United Kingdom.

The British Commonwealth is now called the Commonwealth of Nations.

Canada, which is also in America, has been a part of the Commonwealth of Nations from its beginning.

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Yes, it is. See the evidence presented:

"In regulating the commercial and political relations between the United States and other Powers, these several Treaties secured the recognition of the Independence of the United States, and also the assent of other Powers to many important principles, some of which were not then universally recognized as constituting part of the public law which should govern the intercourse of nations with each other." - Treaties and Conventions, Department of State 1889, pg. 1220

"The power of the new nation whose existence had been recognized by these Treaties to regulate and control its commercial relations with foreign Powers was uniformly asserted in this series of Treaties. They placed each of the other Powers, in respect of commerce and navigation within each and every State, on the footing of the most favored nation;...." - Treaties and Conventions, Department of State 1889, pg. 1221

"The several States which compose this Union, so far, at least, as regarded their municipal regulations, became entitled from the time when they declared themselves independent to all the rights and powers of sovereign States, and did not derive them from concessions of the British King. The treaty of peace contains a recognition of the independence of these States, not a grant of it. The laws of the several State governments passed after the Declaration of Independence were the laws of sovereign States, and as such were obligatory upon the people of each State." - Treaties and Conventions, Department of State 1889, pg. 1338

"The treaty of peace of 1783 between the United States and Great Britain was a mere recognition of pre-existing rights as to territory, and no territory was thereby acquired by way of cession from Great Britain. All British grants are invalid which were made after the Declaration of Independence, and purported to give title to land within the territories of the United States as defined by the Treaty of 1783." - Treaties and Conventions, Department of State 1889, pg. 1339

"Even in cases of conquest, the conqueror does no more than displace the sovereign, and assume dominion over the country. 7 Peters, 86; (10 Peters, 720, 729-30, passim). A cession of territory is never understood to be a cession of the property of the inhabitants. The King cedes only that which belongs to him; lands he had previously, were not his to cede...." - Treaties and Conventions, Department of State 1889, pg. 1253

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Q: Is the US still a British colony?
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