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This is false. The availability of relatively cheap labor made it less important to industrialize.

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Q: Is it true that industrialization developed quicker in the south than in the north because of slave labor and the invention of the cotton gin?
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What does the McCormick Reaper do?

The McCormick Reaper was important because it was a timesaving invention that allowed farmers to more than double the size of there crops. and was one of the greatest industrial establishments in the united states. Answerer- Brandon H.

Why did the US build the Lincoln Highway?

It was an idea thought up by Carl Fisher to have a quicker route from state to state. West to east coast.

What makes he railroad Lincoln's secret weapon during the civil war?

Lincoln used the railroad as a way to transport troops, supplies, and guns/ammunition across extensive parts of the US. this gave him a significant advantage during the war because he was more efficient than the south in that he could supply the front lines quicker and transport troops faster to areas in which they were needed.

How did the spread of railroads throughout the South and West help both ranchers and farmers?

Before the railroad cattle had to be driven to the stock yards by cattle drive. It took weeks and men to keep them going in the right direction. The cattle would lose weight, die, stampede, and get lost so it was a real task to get them to market. The railroad solved many of these problems. Massive stock yards developed and the cattle was collected there then shipped east by rail. Some of the Midwestern cities of today began as stock yards for the railroad. The production of cattle went up and more investment went into cattle ranches. One investor was Teddy Roosevelt when he was a partner in an South Dakota cattle ranch. He only was there once ( his wife and mother died the same day when he was there) and he never went back. Today it is a national park with a nice museum of many items that belonged to Roosevelt.

Why Mexican chose America?

Many Immigrants including Mexicans, choose to migrate to the United States, because the United States has been long known as the land of opportunity. Places like Mexico, have oppressed/corrupt government, so they venture to the United States to find not only safety, but to get a chance to live a "free" life. Also, keep in mind, Mexico, is quite close to the United States, so they are able to come into the United States cheaper and quicker.

Related questions

Is it true or false that industrialization developed quicker in the south than in the north because of slave labor and the invention of the cotton gin?

False. That was why it developed MORE SLOWLY. The South had an agricultural society and produced fewer manufactured goods.

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The invention of the plow as lead to industrialization of farming practices. The plow allowed for larger areas of farm land to be plowed, which is quicker and more convenient then doing it by hand.

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it was important because it helped the farmers to produce more food quicker

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e made printing more easier and quicker. :)

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it made it quicker and faster to load

What is the mechcanical reaper?

The mechanical reaper is an invention by Cyrus McCormick. It was invented to better harvest crops quicker and less time consuming.

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it developed more quicker withou the war.

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What does the McCormick Reaper do?

The McCormick Reaper was important because it was a timesaving invention that allowed farmers to more than double the size of there crops. and was one of the greatest industrial establishments in the united states. Answerer- Brandon H.

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the purpose of this invention is to help add up numbers. It's quicker and easier to do instead of mentally trying to calculate the numbers by hand.(: your welcome