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Coal is used as a source of power in all 50 US states. It is the main source of electric power in the US acconting for ~43%.

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Q: Is coal used in any state in the us?
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What state in the us is known to be the best coal miners?

Wyoming produces the most coal of any state.

What is the most profitable coal mine in the USA?

There are a number of coal mines in the US that are quite large and profitable. The vast majority of these mines are located in Wyoming, which has the largest coal extraction rates of any state.

How is coal used by us humans?

Coal is used for electricity and industrial uses

What state is one of the largest coal-producing state in the US?


What is the most used energy source in the US?

Its coal and hydrogen

What state is the largest coal-producing state in the US?

Wyoming with 40% PA is #4

Where in the US is coal used?

Coal is used all over the US in power stations to generate electricity.

What are two ways coal was used used when it was the major source of energy in the us?

coal was used to build lamp posts and used for machines in factories

What state is the main deposits of US anthracite hard coal located?


Does Wyoming extradite?

By federal law, Wyoming can request the extradition of anyone who committed a crime there, from any other US state.

Which US state has the most collieries?

There are a total of fifty-two coal mines in the United States. The state with the most collieries is Wyoming which has thirteen coal mines and they are surface mines.

What is used to produce 56 percent of the electricity in the US?
