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Its an England colony because middle colonies were New York, Pennsilvania, New Jersey and Deliware.

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Q: Is Vermont an England colony or middle?
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Is Vermont a new England colony?

Vermont is not one of the original 13 colonies because it wasn't English land! It was actually French and the name Vermont means Green Mountain in French.

Which colony did Maine and Vermont come from?

The New England Colony

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Is Massachusetts colony a middle colony?

No, it was not a middle colony. It was the New England Colony, and it was based north of the MIddle colony.

Is Georgia a middle colony a new England colony or a southern colony?

It was a southern colony.

Is Pennsylvania in New England?

No, Pennsylvania is not a New England state. It is called a Middle Colony and is termed as a Northeastern and Middle Atlantic state. New England is made up of six states: 1. Conneticut 2. M\ine 3. Massachusetts 4. New Hampshire 5. Rhode Island and 6. Vermont Source Answers.

Was Connecticut a northern or southern or middle colony?

Connecticut was a northern, or New England colony.

How many colonies in the New England colony?

3: new England colony, middle colony, and southern colony

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Is Jamestown a New England colony?

No, it's a city in Virginia, one of the Middle Colonies.

Is Delaware a southern colony middle colony or a New England colony?

Delaware was considered a middle colony. It was originally part of Pennsylvania but later became a separate colony. It is located on the East Coast of the United States.