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Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along the Coastal Plain Reigon.

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Evelyn Jenkins

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Q: Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along the?
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What did the inland port cities in the Midwest grow along?

Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along the Ohio River, called the Gateway to the West. The Great Lakes provided inland ports in the Midwest.

Why did inland port cities grow in Midwest along great lakes?

Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along the Ohio River, called the Gateway to the West. The Great Lakes provided inland ports in the Midwest.

What grew in the Midwest along the great lakes?

Inland port cities.

What body of water did inland port cities grew the Midwest along these?

Missouri River. There U Go Kids :) Enjoy :D

Along what bodies of water did inland port cities grew?

Inland port cities often grew along rivers, such as the Mississippi River in the United States, the Rhine River in Europe, and the Yangtze River in China. These rivers provided a natural transportation route allowing goods to be easily moved between inland areas and coastal regions.

What bodies of water grew along the inland port cities?


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agricultural centers

How do you use Midwest in a sentence?

She grew up in the Midwest and has a strong connection to the region's culture.

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Generally, along the coast line, people were fishermen. Inland; farmers grew rice, soybeans, and raised hogs and chickens.

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Because that's where more trade occurred, and in the old days, cities grew around where it was convenient to trade.

Why did cities grow along the fall line?

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Lakes where inland ports grew up?

help i dont know the answer