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Q: In 1800 what was the only independent country in the Americas?
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Why was haiti the first country to gain its independence?

Haiti was not the first country to gain its independence. It was however, the first independent nation in the Caribbean and Latin America, the first post-colonial, independent, black-led country in the world, the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion, and the second independent nation in all the Americas after the United States.

Who was a famous American spy during the Revolutionary War?

Nathaniel Hale,he was Americas first spy and he was a school teacher.captured in a tavern and was sentenced to hang his final words were "I only regret I have but one life to give to my country".

What countries has the US occupied or acquired?

Hawaii is the only independent country acquired by the US. After wars, the US occupied the Phillipines, Cuba, Japan ,Iraq, and parts of Afghanistan, Italy, Germany and Austria.

What was so unique on how Haiti gained independence?

One unique aspect of Haiti's independence was that it was the first and only successful slave revolt in history. Led by Toussaint Louverture and later Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the enslaved population fought against French colonial rule and established the independent Republic of Haiti in 1804. This made Haiti the first black-led nation in the Americas and a symbol of resistance against slavery and colonialism.

How many years was Texas independent before it officially became a state?

The Republic of Texas was officially recognized as an independent nation for 10 years from 1836-1846 until it was annexed to the Union.Texas was one of only three states that existed as an independent country, the other two being Vermont (Vermont Republic) and Hawaii (Kingdom and Republic of Hawaii).

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What is the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas?

Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas.

Was haiti the first country to gain its independence?

Haiti was not the first country to gain its independence. It was however, the first independent nation in the Caribbean and Latin America, the first post-colonial, independent, black-led country in the world, the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion, and the second independent nation in all the Americas after the United States.

Why was haiti the first country to gain its independence?

Haiti was not the first country to gain its independence. It was however, the first independent nation in the Caribbean and Latin America, the first post-colonial, independent, black-led country in the world, the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion, and the second independent nation in all the Americas after the United States.

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What major European capital city do you find Vatican City in?

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Which countries are attending The 5th Summit of the Americas?

All of South, North and Central Americas will be attending the Fifth Summit of the Americas to be held in Port of Spain, Trinidad. The only country that will not be attending is Cuba.

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on the border of the Atlantic ocean.

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