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they dug 500 miles across.

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Q: How were the Navajos able to farm in the dry southwest?
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What kind of climate in the southwest?

The southwest is hot and dry.

Do Mountains in the southwest keep the southwest region dry?


True or false the southwest is mostly dry?

Yes. The southwest is best known for its deserts.

What is the climate in the southwest of the us?

hot and dry

What is the soil like in the southwest?

dry and firm

What are the release dates for Running Dry in the American Southwest - 2008 TV?

Running Dry in the American Southwest - 2008 TV was released on: USA: September 2008

What actors and actresses appeared in Running Dry in the American Southwest - 2008?

The cast of Running Dry in the American Southwest - 2008 includes: Jane Seymour as Narrator

What direction do dry monsoons generally go?

to the southwest

Do the mountains in the west keep the southwest region dry?


Do mountains in the west keep the southwest region dry?


What is the primary economic activity of the southwest?

The economy is not as dry as the Midwest, but still dry. == ==

Describe two kinds of deserts in southwest asia?
