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Blacks and whites were segregated socially and politically. Although not illegal (most places), interracial marriage was frowned upon, and whites typically did not hang around blacks (or vice versa). Blacks also had different jobs than whites, typically more hardworking for less pay. Blacks also had very little political liberties. Although granted the right to vote in 1865, blacks were hindered from voting (especially in the Southern US) in various ways until 1957. Segregation means separation, and whites and blacks were separated from many aspects of society. There were white and black neighborhoods, white and black schools, white and black restaurants, white and black bathrooms, etc.

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Q: How were black Americans discriminated and segregated against in the southern states of America in the 1950's and 60's?
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Was segragation still around in the 1930s?

In 1930s America, segregation was still a powerful reality. In the southern states, the infamous Jim Crow laws prevented African-Americans from enjoying the same privileges as most whites in the same region. Yet, even in such national institutions as the military, blacks and whites were quite distinctly separated, that is, segregated.

Who is America's southern neighbor?

If the question means USA for America then Mexico is on the southern border of the USA.

What are the different methods disenfranchisement used against African Americans?

—First they created the Poll Tax: a tax that had to be paid before one could vote —It wasn't generally a high tax, but for poor sharecropping families it often proved too expensive —Bourbons also created Literacy Tests: A test to prove literacy and understanding of the state constitution —African Americans were discriminated against by being forced to take a much harder Literacy test than white voters —Finally, the Bourbons passed the "Grandfather Clause" which allowed southern whites to be exempt from the Poll tax or Literacy Test —It stated that if a person's father or grandfather had voted in the past, then that person could vote —This discriminated against African Americans because their fathers and grandfathers could not vote, but white voters had been voting in America for centuries

What was the transatlantic trade?

Its was a Trade that started in the West Indies going trough place and place to trade goods such as Fur. They traded to get African Americans for the southern colonies in America. and it went through the Atlantic Ocean

What hemisphere is America?

North America is in the western and northern hemispheres. South America is in the southern and western hemispheres.

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Native Americans and black people are usually the people with most disadvantages in this regard.

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Because they would do jobs for less money in America than the caucasian and even African-American workers that they were competing with.

Why was it significant that hundred's of thousands of African Americans were drafted to fight in the war?

Much of America was still segregated along racial lines in 1917.

Why was it significant that hundreds of thousands of African Americans were drafted to fight the war?

Much of America was still segregated along racial lines in 1917.

How were people segregated in America?

black people where segregated that they where not aloud to speak to white people

How were black people segregated in America?

black people where segregated that they where not aloud to speak to white people

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Birmingham was considered the most segregated city in america

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Germans were discriminated in America during the times of WWI and WWII because they were the enemy at the time.

What country fought the Americans on civil war?

The Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states of America. It was a war between Americans themselves because America was a divided country.

Why were the Germans being discriminated against in America?

because of hitler

Why were the Chinese so discriminated a immigrants?

There is so much prejudice against the Chinese in America because many Americans think that the Chinese think that they are smarter than them. They are intimidated and uneducated about the Chinese culture.

Was segragation still around in the 1930s?

In 1930s America, segregation was still a powerful reality. In the southern states, the infamous Jim Crow laws prevented African-Americans from enjoying the same privileges as most whites in the same region. Yet, even in such national institutions as the military, blacks and whites were quite distinctly separated, that is, segregated.