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The issue of slavery was a very important, if not the most crucial, reason for the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. The Southern States were largely dependent upon slaves since one of the basic pillars of their economy was agriculture, especially cotton, slaves worked in the cotton fields and performed all the hard work. The Union was divided as to whether slaves, who were forcefully brought to the States, should still work in the fields or not. The North was opposed to that and was the region of abolitionists (people who wanted to make slavery illegal). In the South people were strongly in favour of slavery and claimed that the government couldn't forbid it in their states since only they could make law in their states. Gradually many Southerners became secessionists and wanted the South to secede from the Union. In 1860 eleven states split form the Union forming the Confederate States of America, in short the Confederacy. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which prohibited slavery only in the Confederacy but this is already the War itself and you aren't asking about it. Slavery was not a contributing cause to the civil war. The Jewdaic practice of owning people as chattels [LEVITICAS 25:44-45-46.], was fast falling out of favour, in civilization. Lincholn by publically anouncing, "The War Was To Free Slaves"; virtually stopped both England, and France from entering, a war to perpetuate slavery! The best that either country daired do, was to commission privatears (origin of pirocy) to aid the South. It was a Propaganda ploy, and it worked! It established a direction in world history! What has been put into words will come to be; for words are the tools of prophesy, and shape the happenings of earth!

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Q: How was slavery a contributing cause to the American Civil War?
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The most important cause of the American Civil War was slave-holding. While numerous regional issues separated northern and southern states in the Union, it was slavery that divided the nation at the deepest level, and it was slavery that finally led to the costly War between the States in 1861-1865.

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Civil Rights lobbyists always try to put slavery at the centre of the picture. But it was really the potential loss of the cotton revenues that worred the North, along with the fragmenting of the young American democracy.

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slavery and enconomic diffrences

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If the question is "Is the slavery a cause for the colonies declaring independence from Britain," then no. They wanted freedom from them. Slavery was a big issue in the Civil War, though.