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Maine was part of the Union States

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Q: How was Maine part of the Civil War?
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What did chamberlain do?

he led the 20th Maine in the civil war and held Little Round Top in Gettysburg to become a civil war hero!! (:

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Which side did Maine take int he civil war?

They fought in the north side because Maine is actually located in the North.

What part did Maine play in the Revolutionary War?

Maine was in several wars as the 22nd Maine and the 20th Maine were regiments in the Civil War and the 20th Maine was commanded by Joshua Chamberlain, who any self-respecting Mainer should know. Also there is the 101st Refueling Wing in Bangor. Google Fort Kent,Fort Fairfield.

Who was the 20th Maine headed up by during the civil war?

Joshua Chamberlain, he originally declined the offer. This regiment was part of the Battle of Gettysburg. They defended Little Roundtop.

Who was the collage professer from Maine who was one of the heroes of the civil war?

Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain-

Was the Holocaust part of the Civil War?

No the holocaust wasn't part of the civil war. The civil war was over slavery and the holocaust was for world war 2 and the Nazis getting rid of the Jews

What state was governed by massachuttes until 1820?

Maine was part of Massachusetts long after the Revolutionary War. Maine started out as it's own colony, but became part of Massachusetts before the Revolutionary War. Maine became a state in 1820.

Is England part of the Civil War?

The English Civil War was in the 17th century.

Who was the 2nd vice president during the civil war?

Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's second vice-president during the Civil War. Hannibal Hamlin, from Maine, was the first.

Is the civil war a just war?

The US Civil War was an un-declared war; and was a war of rebellion on the part of the south.