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Q: How old was Phillis Wheatley when she learned English?
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Can you give me some information about Phillis Wheatley?

Here's some information about Phillis Wheatley she was a famous poet writer. She was also kidnapped and takened away from Africa when she was 7 years old. Phillis was taken into Boston Massachusetts and was taken to the Wheatley Family, were she was taught to write, read, and talk english.

How old was Phillis Wheatley when she had her child?

she was 24

How old was phillis wheatley when got married?

Phillis Wheatley married a free slave who managed a small general stoar. His names was John Peters.

What was Phillis Wheatley's childhood like?

She was kidnapped when she was seven years old as a slave.

What YEAR Did Phillis Wheatley Die?

December 5 1784Phillis was 31 years old.

How old was Phillis Wheatley when she married?

she was 31 when she died. As product of child birth.

How old was phyllis wheatley when she died?

i am doing a black history report i need to know how old were phillis whealty when she died

How many years did Phillis Wheatley have her kids for?

Phillis Wheatley was born in 1753. She was a young child when she was taken from her family in Africa with about 80 other captured people on a slave ship. The slave ship came to Boston, Massachusetts in 1761 and a man named John Wheatley bought Phillis. When Phillis was fourteen she started to write poems. She became famous for her poetry. People from other colonies came to meet the poet. In 1773, Phillis had a chance to go to England. She was not even 20 years old. She was able to get her poems published. It was the first book ever published by a black person from North America. When Phillis came back to America, Boston was caught up in the Revolutionary War. Phillis wrote a poem about George Washington and sent it to him. General Washington wrote back to her and thought she was very talented. But Phillis did not have an easy life. She was sick a lot and died when she was only 31 years old.

How old was Alex learned to speak English?

Alex learned to speak English when he was about 10 years old.

Who kidnapped Phillis Whaeatley at the age of 8 years old?

At the age of eight, she was sold to wealthy Bostonian merchant and tailor John Wheatley, who bought the young girl as a servant for his wife, Susanna

Who was Philis Wheatley?

Phillis Wheatley (1753?-1784) was an African woman who was brought to American when she was about seven or eight years old. Within sixteen months she was able to learn the English language and was educated by the family of her Boston master, John Wheatley. She became a published poet who gained considerable status in the society of Boston and London. She later married John Peters and had three children with him. "In 1776 she was received by General Washington" (Perkins 402). She already had one volume of poems published and was working on a second when she died at the age of thirty-one. Perkins, Barbara and George. The American Tradition in Literature, 12th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. 402. Print.

How did phyllis wheatly get to America?

Phillis Wheatley was brought to America from West Africa as a slave when she was around seven years old. She was purchased by the Wheatley family in Boston who taught her how to read and write, allowing her to eventually become the first African American woman to publish a book of poetry.