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Q: How much would one shilling in 1775 be worth in today's usd money?
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How much is 15 shillings in British money today?

There were 20 shilling in one pound. Therefore 15 shillings would equal 75 pence in todays money.

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Are Japanese shilling occupation money worth anything?

They printed it like there was no tomorrow -- value as you would wallpaper.

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$0.15 of 1885 dollars would be worth: $3.57 in 2012.

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I don't know if they are worth any money but we built a spice rack that will only take shilling bottles and are looking for some. If you have any we would be interested...

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A 1967 2 shilling coin is worth nothing really A 1967 2 shilling coin uncirculated would be worth around £1.50 maximum

How much is 15 shillings in todays money?

15 Shillings would be about 70 dollars in todays money. How cool is that?

How much is 30 shillings?

A shilling was 1/20 th of a British Pound before decimalisation, so 30 shillings would have been 1 pound 10 shillings, or £1.50 in todays money.

How much would a shilling in 1875 be in todays UK money?

One Shilling GBP in 1875 had the purchasing power of about £3.15 GBP today. NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations by a purpose designed program. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation based on current exchange rates.