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40 thousand dollars 40,000$

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Q: How much were slaves before and after the cotton gin?
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What replace the cotton gin?

The cotton gin essentially replaced the handpicking and cleaning of cotton. Before the invention of the gin, the U.S. employed slaves to handpick cotton. Currently, only third world countries still use slaves to handpick cotton.

Why did customers need a cotton gin?

before the cotton gin, peices of plant in the cotton were picked out by slaves, which of course was much slower. The cotton gin made the process of making cotton plants into usuable fabric was made much much easier. So people began growing more and more cotton.

What did the cotton gin replace?

The cotton gin essentially replaced the handpicking and cleaning of cotton. Before the invention of the gin, the U.S. employed slaves to handpick cotton. Currently, only third world countries still use slaves to handpick cotton.

Which of these led to slaves becoming more valuable than before?

cotton gin

What was the price of slaves after the invention of the cotton gin?

A lot less than before

How did people separate cotton before the cotton gin?

Plantation owners had slaves picking and seperating cotton with their bare hands.

What was happening to slavery before the cotton gin?

not much. but after Eli Whitney made the cotton gin, slavery wanted to be expanded, pretty much causing the civil war

What are some reasons the south wanted slaves?

Before the cotton gin, there was not much profit to be had out of cotton. There was too much time involved in making it a marketable product. After the gin, cottons potential was realized, the plantations were booming. Even with the gin, the harvesting of cotton was still very labor intensive. Plantation owners brought in slaves to do the harvesting. This dramatically cut the cost of production and increased profit.

What led to the slaves becoming more valuable than before?

the cotton gin -apex

Why was cotton non profitable before the cotton gin?

Because there is a seed inside every ball of cotton. Without the cotton Gin, people needed to remove each seed by hand before the cotton fiber could be processed and spun into thread. So much labor was required, that even if slaves helped, it was a barely profitable endeavor. The cotton gin made the seed removal process much faster, since much could be processed by few workers.

How the the cotton gin help us?

The cotton gin helped us by making it easier for slaves to produce cotton.

What was used before a cotton gin?

Before the cotton gin was invented back in 1793, farmers or plantation owners either had workers, or slaves pick the seeds from the cotton by hand.