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One Pound GBP in 1965 had the purchasing power of about $21.17 USD today.

NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations by a purpose designed program. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation based on current exchange rates.

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Q: How much was 1 pound British money to the US dollar in 1965?
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What was the rate of exchange between the dollar and the pound sterling in 1965?

I think its 90p

How much was 1 pound sterling worth in 1965 US dollars?

5 bob. a dollar in 1965 was five shillings

Australia's currnecy in 1851?

Until about 1965 Australia used the British pound.

What was british money worth in us currency in 1965?

One Pound GBP in 1965 had the purchasing power of about £13.00 GBP today. One Pound GBP in 1965 had the purchasing power of about $20.65 USD today. NOTE - This historical conversion is the result of many calculations and considerations by a purpose designed program for which I can take no credit. The resulting answer should only be regarded as an approximation.

What is the value of 1965 Churchill silver dollar today 2011?

It isn't silver and isn't a dollar. What you have is a British crown (worth 5 shillings in the old Pounds/Shillings/Pence system, 1/4th of a British pound, or 25 new pence) and is made out of copper-nickel. It is a very common coin and doesn't sell for all that much. It is worth about a dollar or two if completely uncirculated and about 50 cents or so if scratched or worn.

What was the US dollar rate in 1965?

What was the US dollar rate in 1965?

What is Churchill dollar made of?

The "Churchill Dollar" more correctly known as the British 1965 Crown (Five Shillings) Churchill Commemorative coin is made from a copper-nickel alloy as have all circulating British "silver" coins since 1947.

Which coin had Winston Churchill's face on it?

You are probably referring to the 1965 commemorative Crown (a denomination equal to 5 shillings, or a quarter of a British pound) issued in Great Britain. The coin is larger and thicker than a US silver dollar, and there is a portrait of Queen Elizabeth the Second on the front, and a portrait of Winston Churchill on the back. It is worth about a dollar in circulated condition.

When did Ghanaian pound end?

Ghanaian pound ended in 1965.

What is a 1965 churchill 1 pound coin worth?

You most likely have a gold and silver plated 1965 (copper-nickel) British crown (5 shillings) these are incredibly common and the gold/silver plating adds no value to the coin. Your coin is worth 50 cents to a dollar or so.

What are the release dates for The F-B-I- - 1965 Pound of Flesh 1-14?

The F-B-I- - 1965 Pound of Flesh 1-14 was released on: USA: 19 December 1965

How much is a paper 1965 100 cien pesetas worth?

pound to paseta 1965