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Look at the date again. No US Peace dollars were struck in 1932.

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Q: How much is your 1932 silver peace dollar worth?
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How much is a 1932 silver dollar worth?

No US one dollar coins are dated 1932, look at it again and post new question.

What is the value of a 1932 US silver dollar?

Neither the U.S. nor Canada struck any silver dollars in 1932. If your coin is from another country or has a different date, please post a new question with that information. There are many counterfeit dollar coins on the market, so if you have a 1932 Peace "dollar" it is a fake.

How much is a Canadian 1936 silver dollar worth?

Canada didn't make any silver dollars in 1932.

What was the percent of silver in 1932 silver dollars?

The U.S. Mint did not produce a silver dollar in 1932.

When was Silver Dollar - film - created?

Silver Dollar - film - was created on 1932-12-01.

What is a 1932 dime worth in silver?

It is worth at least $3.50 in silver.

How much was a dollar in 1932?

By one measure, a dollar in 1932 was worth about $17 in current dollars.

Is a1932 silver half dollar worth anything?

No US half dollars were made in 1932, please post new question.

How much is your 1932 silver dollar coin worth?

The U.S. did not mint any $1 coins in 1932, due to the Great Depression. Please check again and post a new question.

What is the value of a 1932 silver dollar?

Please look at the date again, no US dollar coins were struck in 1932, but they were struck in 1934 & 1935

What is the value of a 1932 Morgan silver dollar?

Please check your coin again. Morgan Silver dollars were minted from 1878 to 1904 and in 1921. No Peace dollars were minted in 1932 due to the Great Depression. If you have a U.S. $1 coin with that date it's a fake. If you have another denomination coin such as a half-dollar, please post a new question with more details.