4-20-11>> Depending on the actual grade, retail values are $8.50-$9.75 for circulated coins. 1943 is a common date.
1943 was a steel CENT, not quarter. It's not as rare or valuable as many people think. In average condition, it's worth about 10 cents.
Most are only valued for the silver, about $6.00. 1943 is a common date.
How much is a 1911 quarter worth
How much is 1768 quarter worth
a 1943 D penny is worth 1.7 million dollars
Current retail value for the coin is $5.00 in MS-60 grade
1943 was a steel CENT, not quarter. It's not as rare or valuable as many people think. In average condition, it's worth about 10 cents.
Most are only valued for the silver, about $6.00. 1943 is a common date.
How much is a 1911 quarter worth
How much is 1768 quarter worth
a 1943 D penny is worth 1.7 million dollars
how much is a canadian mint quarter worth
If it is still a quarter in 2020 it would be worth a quarter of a dollar.
A quarter is worth 25 cents or $0.25.
A quarter is worth 25 cents.
How can I fine out how much my quarter is worth??
1943 12 sided Canadian penny