Please check your bills again. There were no 1957-series $5 bills. 1957 $1 bills are extremely common among collectors and are worth maybe $1.25 to $1.75 in average condition.
About $1.25
A 1 dollar denomination silver certificate was not made in 1933 only 10 dollar. That being said if you have one it is fake.....its worth $0.00
Check that bill again. There was no $1 silver certificate dated 1931.
Please check your bills again. There were no 1957-series $5 bills. 1957 $1 bills are extremely common among collectors and are worth maybe $1.25 to $1.75 in average condition.
Please see the link below. E 647 is a plate number that does not affect the bill's value.
About $1.25
A 1 dollar denomination silver certificate was not made in 1933 only 10 dollar. That being said if you have one it is fake.....its worth $0.00
Check that bill again. There was no $1 silver certificate dated 1931.
A martha washington silver certificate dollar bill is currently worth approx (In decent shape) 5-750.00
In average circulated condition, it's worth about $1.50
if the seal is blue then yes. it's a silver certificate.
It is worth about $1.25 to $1.50.
The oldest dollar bill is a 1935 Silver Certificate.