$17.00-$28.00 retail depending on the grade of the coin, it's very common
Assuming the coin is circulated, retail value is $70.00-$275.00 depending on how much wear the coin shows. The 1890-CC Morgan dollar is a very collectible coin.
6-18-11>> Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmarks, retail value is $38.00-$44.00 depending on how much wear the coin shows. The 1890 Morgan dollar is a very common coin.
Value is determined by the condition of the coin, or grade, and the overall collectability of the particular year and denomination. There are coin guides available at many places that sell magazines that can give you a baseline idea, but really, without an actual grade the coin could be worth very little.
With no mint mark, or an O or S over the ONE in ONE DOLLAR, it's worth $17-20. With a "CC" mint mark, that range jumps to $75-100.
$17.00-$28.00 retail depending on the grade of the coin, it's very common
Assuming the coin is circulated, retail value is $70.00-$275.00 depending on how much wear the coin shows. The 1890-CC Morgan dollar is a very collectible coin.
6-18-11>> Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmarks, retail value is $38.00-$44.00 depending on how much wear the coin shows. The 1890 Morgan dollar is a very common coin.
The value would depend upon the year it was minted, the denomination and the condition of the coin. Values vary greatly.
The price of the coin depends on its condition here a link to a website so you can get an idea of what the coin on average sells for. http://listado.mercadolibre.com.mx/un-centavo-1890-mo.-republica-mexicana
An 1890-O Morgan is a common New Orleans Mint coin. Circulated examples are $30.00-$37.00. Typical Mint State coins are $40.00-$50.00
7-24-11>>> Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmarks, retail value is $38.00-$41.00 depending on how much wear the coin shows. The 1890 Morgan is a common date.
Wyoming became a US state in 1890 and has pretty much had the smallest population of all the US states since that time. Wyoming's population in 1890 was 62,555 according to the 1890 US Census. In 2010, Wyoming's population was 563,626 according to the 2010 US Census. Wyoming has seen steady growth in population except for the mid-1980's when the oil bust caused a population decline.
Value is determined by the condition of the coin, or grade, and the overall collectability of the particular year and denomination. There are coin guides available at many places that sell magazines that can give you a baseline idea, but really, without an actual grade the coin could be worth very little.
With no mint mark, or an O or S over the ONE in ONE DOLLAR, it's worth $17-20. With a "CC" mint mark, that range jumps to $75-100.
How much is a 2972 2fr coin worth
How much is this coin worth