Assuming the coin is circulated, the 1879 Morgan Dollar (1878-1904 & 1921) is a common coin. Most coins have seen heavy use and show a lot of wear. Retail values, as of 8-26-11, are $37.00-$44.00 depending on what grade the coin is. Values are only for coins in collectible condition, coins that are bent, corroded, scratched, used as jewelry or have been cleaned have far less value if any to a collector or dealer.
No such coin (that is intended for circulation) exists. The last silver dollar coin was minted in 1935. The only other coin since then to use the silver dollar size was the Eisenhower dollar first minted in 1971.
No such coin exists. From 1905-1920 there was no dollar coin minted.
Check that date or denomination again. There were no silver dollars minted that year.
Check that coin again. There were no U.S. silver dollars minted that year.
Half dollar minted 1965-70 are 40% silver and currently worth around $4.
The only silver dollar minted by the US Treasury in 1900 was the Morgan Dollar.
The only silver dollar minted by the US Treasury in 1900 was the Morgan Dollar.
No such coin (that is intended for circulation) exists. The last silver dollar coin was minted in 1935. The only other coin since then to use the silver dollar size was the Eisenhower dollar first minted in 1971.
No such coin exists. From 1905-1920 there was no dollar coin minted.
Check that date or denomination again. There were no silver dollars minted that year.
Check that coin again. There were no U.S. silver dollars minted that year.
Hi, Your Morgan Dollar is worth $10.00-20.00
Half dollar minted 1965-70 are 40% silver and currently worth around $4.
Check that coin again. There were no US silver dollars minted that year.
No such thing. There were no U.S. silver dollars minted in 1920.
Check that coin again. There were no US silver dollars minted that year (or decade).
The mint mark would be located on the reverse of the coin, beneath the center of the wreath. In the case of the 1921 Morgan silver dollar, it wouldn't matter as the coins minted in Philadelphia (no mintmark), Denver ("D") and San Francisco ("S") all have similar values. In the case of the 1879 Morgan silver dollar, the Philadelphia, San Francisco and New Orleans ("O") minted coins have roughly similar values, but those minted in Carson City, Nevada ("CC") are worth markedly more.