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Retail price list for this coin in EF-40 is $80.00-$90.00

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Q: How much is an 1859 silver 3 cent piece in extra fine condition worth?
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It is 40% silver and worth about $4-5 depending on the silver price. It is only worth silver melt regardless of the condition.

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It really depends on the date and condition.

How much is a fifty cent piece that's 90 percent silver worth?

Without knowing specifics such as the date and condition, it's at least worth about $12 for its silver content.

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This is like asking "How long is a piece of string?". You have to state which coin and describe its condition.

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$22 to $31,000 depending upon the mint mark and the condition of the coin.

What is the value of a 1945-P World War 2 Jefferson silver nickel?

There was a large number of these nickels minted, (119,408,100) therefore they are fairly common. In fine condition it is worth $0.60, in extra fine condition it is worth $1.00, uncirculated is worth $7.00.

What is the worth of 12 piece set of trans Alaskan pipeline 1974 silver commemoration coins in mint condition with box?

Probably $240-300.

What is the value of 1909 Canada 50 cent piece?

The silver value of a 1964 Canadian 50 cent piece (commemorating Charlottetown in Prince Edward Island) is about US$1.70 (as of December 23, 2008). There would be a small numismatic premium depending on condition, but unless it is in quite extraordinary condition, it is unlikely to be worth more than about US$4.00.

1963 silver dime worth?

About $2.20ish in silver scrap. They are common and only worth silver scrap regardless of condition.

What if a 1936 quarter doesn't have a mark where it was made how can you tell its worth?

The no mintmarks are Philadelphia (most common) trade at silver value unless condition is extra special

What is a Canadian 25 cent piece dated 1958 worth?

I 1958 quarter is made of silver .800 and copper .200 depending on the condition it is worth from a couple of dollars soley for the silver content to $135 for a mint condition. for a circulated worn coin which are the most common out there, maybe 2-3 dollars

What is the value of a 1938 Cuban 1 Peso silver certificate?

An Extra Fine, crisp 1 Peso Cuban silver certificate dated 1938 is worth $70, dropping to $4 in Good condition.