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Q: How much is an 1832 confederate twenty dollar bill worth?
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How much is a 1832 E Pluribus Unum One Dollar coin worth?

No U.S. one dollar coins were struck in 1832.

What is your 1832 Morgan silver dollar worth?

The first Morgan was struck in 1878, and no US silver dollars were struck in 1832. Check the coin again and post new question.

What is the value of 1832 one dollar silver coin?

Sorry, no dollar coins were struck dated 1832.

What is the value of a 1832 Morgan silver dollar?

Look at the coin again, no US dollar coins were struck in 1832 and the first Morgan was in 1878.

How much is an 1832 silver dollar coin worth does not have 50 cents on the back?

Please rephrase the question. It can't be a silver dollar because that denomination wasn't minted for circulation between 1804 and 1835 inclusive.

What is the value of 1832 one dollar coin?

$7500 dollars

How much is worth a Half penny 1832?

There were no British Half Pennies minted in 1832 or 1833.

How much is a british half penny 1832 worth?

There were no British Half Pennies minted in 1832 or 1833.

What is the value of a 10 dollar gold coin from 1832?

Sorry no US gold coins dated 1832, please look at the coin again

What is the value of an 1832 silver dollar?

No US dollar coins were minted for circulation from 1804 to 1835. Look at the coin again and post new question.

What is a 1832 fifty cent piece worth?

The 1832 Capped Bust Half Dollar in circulated condition is valued from $60.00-$160.00 for most coins. Examples that show light to slight wear run from $300.00-$575.00 Mint state coins start at $900.00. This date does have two different reverses, large letters and small letters but both have the same values.

How much is 1966 50 koninkrijk belgie worth?

the 1832 koninkrij belgie because it is so old it is worth about $350.00 in us money