The value of a 1919 penny will vary depending on the condition of the coin. In poor condition, the value is .35 cents. In perfect condition, the value is $35.00.
It depends on the condition of the penny
A 1919 Lincoln cent is not rare or even scarce. Average circulated coins are worth about 10 cents.
Most are valued at 3 to 10 cents depending on how much wear the coin has.
Retail is 20 cents in ANA Good condition. Up to $50 if it is uncirculated and has a D mintmark.
So many were made value is 3-5 cents in average condition
It depends on the condition of the penny
1919 is not a rare date for Lincoln cents ... In average circulated condition, it's worth about 10 cents.
about 14 cents
At the risk of making a bad joke, do you mean 1,919 pennies or a penny from 1919? Let's go with the second possibility ...
A 1919 Lincoln cent is not rare or even scarce. Average circulated coins are worth about 10 cents.
Most are valued at 3 to 10 cents depending on how much wear the coin has.
1919 Lincoln cents are not rare. Most circulated coins are 25 cents to $2.00 depending on the grade.
from $0 - $680 depending on the grade
Retail is 20 cents in ANA Good condition. Up to $50 if it is uncirculated and has a D mintmark.
Retail is 20 cents in ANA Good condition. Up to $50 if it is uncirculated and has a D mintmark.
So many were made value is 3-5 cents in average condition
The 1919 Canadian Penny is worth $50 bucks, being rare.