What is 1912 dime worth
Post new question, two different Seated Liberty dimes exist dated 1853, one with arrows at the date an one without and the values are very different.
Roosevelt is on the dime and Franklin is on the half dollar. Value is $7.00 to $8.50
No such coin exists. The US nickel would not be minted until 1866. Before that, the 5 cent coin was the silver half-dime and even then, the coin had nothing on it that bore resemblance to an American Indian. And the Indian head penny wouldn't be minted until later than 1853.
1816 dime
From $25-$350US depending on condition.
not a dime. or half of Brittney spears money
What is 1912 dime worth
Post new question, two different Seated Liberty dimes exist dated 1853, one with arrows at the date an one without and the values are very different.
Roosevelt is on the dime and Franklin is on the half dollar. Value is $7.00 to $8.50
No such coin exists. The US nickel would not be minted until 1866. Before that, the 5 cent coin was the silver half-dime and even then, the coin had nothing on it that bore resemblance to an American Indian. And the Indian head penny wouldn't be minted until later than 1853.
1816 dime
A dime is worth 10 pennies. A dime is worth 1/10 of a dollar.
10 cents
It depends on the type of the coin, is it a dollar? a quarter? a dime? a half-dollar? Without knowing that it is impossible to even remotely guess on how much it is worth.
Australia does not have a dime coin.
It's just a silver Roosevelt dime worth about a dollar