All Walking Liberty Half dollars from 1940 to 1945 regardless of mintmarks in average circulated condition (below EF-40 Grade) have the same retail values of $8.00-$9.00. These years are high mintage widely circulated coins, so most show heavy wear. The coins are very common.
It's a Walking Liberty Half Dollar not a Standing Liberty half dollar and the value is about $6.00
It's a very common date. At present, it's worth around $10.
The 1942 Walking Liberty half dollar is a very common date coin of the series. Average circulated coins are value at $17.00-$18.00
Walking Liberty Half Dollars will never have a "W" mintmark. Instead, that is the designer's signature. If your Walking Liberty Half Dollar has a mintmark, it will be on the left side of the coin near the branch that the Eagle is perched upon. 1942 was a common year of Walking Liberty half dollars and they are worth about $12.75 for their silver content, unless the coin is in mint state, in which case the coin might be worth more to a collector.
The term "American Eagle" is used only for modern bullion coins. Your 1942 coin is likely a Walking Liberty half dollar, but with out a denomination, I don't know. Post new question.
It's a Walking Liberty Half Dollar not a Standing Liberty half dollar and the value is about $6.00
It's a very common date. At present, it's worth around $10.
The 1942 Walking Liberty half dollar is a very common date coin of the series. Average circulated coins are value at $17.00-$18.00
Walking Liberty Half Dollars will never have a "W" mintmark. Instead, that is the designer's signature. If your Walking Liberty Half Dollar has a mintmark, it will be on the left side of the coin near the branch that the Eagle is perched upon. 1942 was a common year of Walking Liberty half dollars and they are worth about $12.75 for their silver content, unless the coin is in mint state, in which case the coin might be worth more to a collector.
Look at the coin again, it's a Walking Liberty half dollar not a dollar and is a very common date with low retail values of $15.00-$16.00 for most circulated coins. No US dollar coins exist dated 1942.
The coin needs to be seen for an accurate value. Take it to your local coin dealer.
The term "American Eagle" is used only for modern bullion coins. Your 1942 coin is likely a Walking Liberty half dollar, but with out a denomination, I don't know. Post new question.
Just for its silver content alone it would be worth about $10.40.
You have a Walking Liberty half dollar. In decent condition it's worth $10 to $15. A doubled die reverse is worth more. Coins are bought and sold without regard as to where the person lives, in other words the coin is worth as much in Texas as it is Hawaii.
If the coin has any wear the value is for the silver about $12.00
All Walking Liberty half dollars have the same silver content of .36169oz pure silver
All Walking Liberty Half dollars from 1940 to 1947 regardless of mintmarks, in average circulated condition are valued the same. About $15.00 as of 7-17-11 The values will go up and down along with the price of silver