7-26-11>>> The question does not state which reverse the coin has, 2nd or 3rd.
A coin with the 2nd reverse certified as MS-64 has a average retail value of $1,400.00. A 3rd reverse coin is $90.00.
1879 S is not a rare date for Morgan dollars. On average if they are in circulated condition they are worth $16.50.
A 1921 Morgan dollar is worth about $25.00
A circulated 1878 Morgan silver dollar can be worth 32 to 156 dollars.
Please post a new question. The first Morgan dollar was minted in 1878. No silver dollars at all were made in 1835.
1921 is by far the most common date for Morgan silver dollars. As of 24 February 2013, one is worth about $22 for the silver.
1879 S is not a rare date for Morgan dollars. On average if they are in circulated condition they are worth $16.50.
A 1921 Morgan dollar is worth about $25.00
Hi, Your Morgan Dollar is worth $10.00-20.00
The only silver dollar minted by the US Treasury in 1900 was the Morgan Dollar.
The only silver dollar minted by the US Treasury in 1900 was the Morgan Dollar.
A circulated 1878 Morgan silver dollar can be worth 32 to 156 dollars.
See related answers.
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In MS60 Grade uncirculated, a 1880 S Morgan Silver Dollar is worth about $52. In MS65 Brilliant Uncirculated, it is worth over $330.
At the time of writing it is worth $23.30 in silver content.
Please post a new question. The first Morgan dollar was minted in 1878. No silver dollars at all were made in 1835.
1921 is by far the most common date for Morgan silver dollars. As of 24 February 2013, one is worth about $22 for the silver.