In order to give an estimated value on this coin it is necessary to know the date on the coin, the denomination of the coin and its national origin.
How much is a 1779 coin worth in the us
A silver 1829 5 cent coin is worth between £30 and £80
The coin has NO silver and is face value.
If you got it from a bank or in change, it's just a dollar.
Duckhams oil queens silver jubilee coin how much is it worth
How much is a 1779 coin worth in the us
There is about 25 dollars worth of silver in this coin. That is all it is worth.
It worth 1.1 Oz. of silver.
A silver 1829 5 cent coin is worth between £30 and £80
5s silver
Each coin is worth about $2.00 to $2.25 just for the silver.
I have an Apollo 8 Silver Coin which I purchased in England in 1968. How much is it worth?
The coin has NO silver and is face value.