There wasn't even a U.S., let alone dollars, in 1492.
If you mistyped and meant 1942, the U.S. didn't print any bills with that date.
Either way, please check again and post a new question.
how much is a 1 dollar from 1781 worth
One dollar bill silver dollar ,year is 1923
how much is a 25 cent 1900 Dominion of Canada paper bill worth
Nothing. It is a fake.
How much is a Korean hundred dollar bill worth in America
a half hundred dollar bill is worth $50
how much is a 1 dollar from 1781 worth
A 1986 Canadian 5 dollar bill is worth $10.00
one dollar
Same as a 2012 ten dollar bill.
One Dollar!
One dollar.
One dollar bill silver dollar ,year is 1923
in the U.S. how much is a twenty dollar hong kong bill worth?