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11 states were part of the confederacy in 1865 .

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Q: How many states were part of the confederacy in 1865?
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What were the terms of southern surrender at the end of the civil war?

The confederacy army surrendered on April 18, 1865, thereby ending the civil war. Slavery was abolished in Southern states, and the confederacy accepted to be part of the Union. The confederacy would not pursue secession from the Union.

What years did the confederate states of America rule Texas?

Texas seceded from the Federal Union February 1, 1861 and became a part of the Confederate States of America. It would remain a part of that country until April of 1865 when the Confederacy collapsed. Southern armies in Texas would surrender in May of 1865.

Is Mississippi still a part of the Confederacy?

Because the Confederacy lost the Civil War, all the states (including Mississippi) which were formerly part of the Confederacy are now once again part of the United States. There is no more Confederacy. It is sometimes suggested that the south will rise again, but so far it hasn't.

Where did the emancipation apply to salves?

Only in the states that were a part of the Confederacy

Are the rebels part of the north or south?

The Rebel States were the Southern states - which formed the Confederacy.

Name 2 states in the confederacy?

Though the Confederate States of America have not existed since the end of the Civil War, Virginia and South Carolina were two states that were a part of the confederacy.

What the union?

The states that remained part of the United States and fought the Confederacy during the Civil War.

Who fought the war in Shiloh?

A battle in Tennessee, part of the US Civil War (1861-1865) between the Union (North) and the Confederacy (South).

What is the southern part of the US called?

it is called the rebel states and the confederacy or confederate side.

Was Virginia part of the 13 colonies or the Confederacy or both?

Virginia was part of the Confederate states of America as well as the 13 colonies.

Was Illinois and Georgia apart of the confederacy?

Illinois was never part of the Confederacy. Georgia was part of the Confederacy.

How many states remained part of the union 1863?

In 1863, four slave states remained in the Union. These were Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution made slavery illegal in all the states in 1865.