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the north had 2 million troops and the south had 800,000 troops

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Q: How many southerners and northerners fought in the civil war?
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About 250,000 Confederates fought in the Civil War

How many Southerners died from tuberculosis in the Civil War?

cuzzn your mom

How many boys joined the Civil War?

There is no good answer to this question. There is no solid definition for "boy" for that time. Many thousands of northerners below age 16 joined. Tens of thousands of southerners below age 16 joined the fight. Soldiers as young as 12, 13 and 14 were not uncommon.

How many fought in the civil war?


Why did many southerners act As if they had not lost the civil war?

so they wouldn't lose their dignity

How many Battels were fought each year in the Civil War?

None. They fought battles instead.

What was a nickname for the south during the time of the US Civil War?

Dixie, Dixie land, Southerners, Rebels, Rebs, Mason-Dixie line, Confederacy, Gray coats, Traitors, etc. In regards to the term "traitors", officially, during those days, the Civil War as we know it today...was NOT CALLED the Civil War; it was officially called the "War of the Rebellion." Hence the name "Rebel." And Northerners considered, and called them to their faces, Southerners to be traitors. This was a bitter war...not nice and pretty with re-enactment groups drinking coffee together after a play battle. The North and South sincerely disliked each other. In fact, many Union officers after the war...wanted to hang an awful lot of southerners. LTC George Custer, wrote a letter to his wife Libby after a frontier Indian battle (after the Civil War) and stated, "...I haven't seen so many dead men since the Rebellion..." men such as Custer probably would've been insulted to credit the south as had fought an honorable "war" them it was "a rebellion" against their country.

How many years where the civil war fought?

4 years

How many children fought in the civil war?

69 children.

How many people from Arkansas fought in the civil war?