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Go to the mud city in the Mali Empire (3 o'clock, 1387 AD). Go to the far right, past the tall blocking pole, to the Timbuktu Inn. The man wearing white has the Declaration of Independence, but you have to solve a jigsaw puzzle for him.

(Then deliver the Declaration to Thomas Jefferson, 7 o'clock, 1776 AD. If you look on his roof, you will find the Salt Rocks for the guy at the Mali Empire.)

The Mali Empire is the time with the African lady symbol. You'll have to get past the snakes to the right side to reach the Inn.

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Q: How do you get the Declaration of Independence on Time Tangled Island?
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Where is the declaration of independence hidden on time tangled island?

in the mali empire you have to do a puzzle for him first -brianna

What time period is the graff house on time tangled island?

The Graff House is where Thomas Jefferson stayed while writing the Declaration of Independence. On Time Tangled Island it is at 1776 AD, or 7 o'clock on the time device.

Where is the Graff House on Time Tangled Island?

The Graff House is where Thomas Jefferson stayed while writing the Declaration of Independence. On Time Tangled Island it is at 1776 AD, or 7 o'clock on the time device. When you bring the Declaration of Independence back to Thomas Jefferson, the salt rocks for 1387 AD (Mali Empire) are on the roof.

How do you get the declaration of independence in time tangled poptropica?

you would just beat the answer

Where is Thomas Jefferson on Time Tangled island?

Thomas Jefferson is at 1776 AD on Time Tangled Island (7 o'clock on the time device). His Declaration of Independence is at the Timbuktu Inn at 1387 AD (3 o'clock on the time device). The salt rocks for 1387 AD are on the roof of Jefferson's residence.

Where is timbuktu on time tangled island?

Timbuktu, specifically the Timbuktu Inn, is at the Mali Empire, 1387 AD on Time Tangled island. (3 o'clock on the time device) Reaching the Inn requires you to jump the large rock pillar in the center. There is a document trader who has the missing Declaration of Independence.

Where can the Constitution be on Poptropica?

I think you're talking about the Declaration of Independence, and it's on Time Tangled Island, in the African time, in a trading store. You have to get past the snakes, over the wall, into the store, and talk to a man. You then have to solve a puzzle to get the Declaration. Then you can go to the colonial time and save that time!

In what time is the Declaration of Independence on Time Tangled island?

Go to the Mali Empire (1387 AD - 3 o'clock on the time device) and make your way across the top to get to the Timbuktu Inn. Go inside and on the second floor is the merchant who has the Declaration. (You'll have to do a puzzle to get it.)

Where is the declaration in time tangled island poptorpica?

in mali empire the is a building a man has the declarition

Where do you take the declaration of independence after you find it on Time tangled Island?

The Declaration is at the Timbuktu Inn in 1387 AD. Return it to Thomas Jefferson at the Graff House in 1776 AD. The salt rocks for 1387 AD are on the roof of the house.

What do you do with the salt rocks on time tangled island?

Take them to 1387 AD where their owner is glad to get them back. The Declaration of Independence draft can be found at the Timbuktu Inn to the far right at 1387 AD.

How do you give Thomas Edison his declaration on time tangled island?

Go to your inventory, and then click "use"