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As men went to war many women took their husbands places running homes. Farms ,and businesses

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Q: How did the war affect different group of Americans?
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How does the war affect Americans?

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What group of Americans was put into camps during most of World War 2?

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How did fighting in the west and south affect the course of revolutionary war?

Fighting in the West and South affected the course of the Revolutionary War. It affected the course of the Revolutionary War because it made different people side with the Americans, and different people side with the British. It also gave both sides of the war a lot of victories. The fighting in the West and South gained Spain's trust to the Americans. Now Bernardo de Galvez sided with the Americans and declared war on Britain. The Americans also gained new and different leaders, which helped with more victories in the South. Overall, fighting in the West and South greatly affected the course of the Revolutionary War.

How did fighting in the west and south affect the course of the war?

Fighting in the West and South affected the course of the Revolutionary War. It affected the course of the Revolutionary War because it made different people side with the Americans, and different people side with the British. It also gave both sides of the war a lot of victories. The fighting in the West and South gained Spain's trust to the Americans. Now Bernardo de Galvez sided with the Americans and declared war on Britain. The Americans also gained new and different leaders, which helped with more victories in the South. Overall, fighting in the West and South greatly affected the course of the Revolutionary War.

How did fighting the West and South affect the course of the revolutionary war?

Fighting in the West and South affected the course of the Revolutionary War. It affected the course of the Revolutionary War because it made different people side with the Americans, and different people side with the British. It also gave both sides of the war a lot of victories. The fighting in the West and South gained Spain's trust to the Americans. Now Bernardo de Galvez sided with the Americans and declared war on Britain. The Americans also gained new and different leaders, which helped with more victories in the South. Overall, fighting in the West and South greatly affected the course of the Revolutionary War.

How did American war tactics affect Vietnamese villages?

Villagers were fearful of Americans.

How did the hiroshima bombing affect Americans?

Most people were glad the war was over.

What group was put into camps during World War 2?

Japanese-Americans .