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After the US Civil War, the freed Afro American slaves were facing a rough time no matter what they did. How they managed to survive as well as they did is remarkable considering the circumstances they found themselves in.

It should be remembered that even among the most ardent anti slavery abolitionists, there were problems.

Many of these abolitionists were true to their beliefs concerning the inhumanity of slavery, however, even these people did not believe in the equality of all peoples.

Before the War, many if not all of the Northern States in the Union had laws on their books that denied freed slaves the same civil rights as white people. There was rampant segregation in the North before and after the War.

In the South, the tolerance of a defeated Confederacy towards former slaves was hard to find.

Many of the former slaves migrated to the Northern States and took whatever employment was available. The new territories had an abundance of farmlands as did the Union States. The former slaves had good experience in farming and found work in that capacity. They also took jobs in any kind of work that was available such as in the hotel and restaurant industries or in textile mills IF and when such work became available. Adapting to the ways of the Northern States was difficult.

In the South former slaves found work as share croppers or on the Southern plantations were they once worked as slaves.

Some freed Afro Americans enlisted in the US Military.

It took decades to become even partially assimilated into the fabric of American society.

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The newly free black population faced numerous challenges in adapting to life in the US after the Civil War. Many sought to reunite with family members separated during slavery, while others pursued education and employment opportunities. However, they faced widespread discrimination and limited rights, with the implementation of Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. Despite these obstacles, black communities established churches, formed mutual aid societies, and actively participated in the struggle for civil rights.

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Q: How did the newly free black population adapt to life in the US after the Civil War?
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What group formed to help newly freed slaves after the civil war?

The group is called the Freedmen's Bureau.

How did the civil rights movements change in the late 1960s and early 1970s?

The civil rights movement began in the 1960's with a more passive but persistent approach, sit ins and civil disobedience being the main methods of change and awareness raising. In the 70's, the focus shifted more towards a "Black Pride" awareness, this had an effect on everything from advertising to this newly liberated demographic to programing and entertainment.

What practices in the south created difficulties for newly freed Americans?

Segregation because of the black codes and Discrimination because of both black codes and Klu Klux Klan

Why were soldiers in the south during the Reconstruction?

After the Civil War, Former Confederate Solders did not have civil rights. They could neither vote nor hold office. The newly freed slaves could vote and hold office. The veterans did not like that. The veterans would hide near the polls. Black men would go to the polls. Bang, bang, bang, shots would ring out. Black men would fall dead. Something had to be done. Solders were placed in the South to end the intimidation and murder of newly freed Black Men.

What was the freedmen's bureau and who did it help?

The Freedmen's Bureau was an organization that was started after the Civil War to help the newly freed slaves... it was there to help slaves adapt to their new freedom and to help to educate them.. so they would be able to read and write. ** note: While it was set up to help former slaves we find that often those directly involved in the Freedman Bureau abused their position and used their power to abuse the Southerns.. that they felt needed punishing for the war.

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The laws were called Black Codes, and they aimed to restrict the rights of newly freed slaves by imposing conditions such as labor contracts, curfews, and limitations on where they could live or work. These codes were part of a broader effort to maintain control over the newly freed African American population and preserve the racial hierarchy in the South.

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The first laws in the South denying African Americans full citizenship were the Black Codes, enacted in the aftermath of the Civil War. These codes restricted the rights of freed slaves, including their ability to vote, own property, and access certain jobs. The Black Codes aimed to maintain white supremacy and control over the newly freed African American population.

Why were black codes passed?

Black codes were passed in the southern states after the Civil War to restrict the rights and freedoms of newly freed African Americans. These laws aimed to control their behavior, limit their economic opportunities, and maintain a system of white supremacy.

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Black Codes were laws passed by Southern states that aimed to limit the rights and freedoms of African Americans after the Civil War. These codes aimed to restrict their freedom of movement, limit their access to education and property ownership, and enforce labor contracts that were often exploitative. They effectively restored many aspects of slavery by placing harsh restrictions on the newly freed African American population.

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What was the purpose for black codes during reconstruction?

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The Black Codes were a series of laws meant to opress newly freed blacks in the USA after the American Civil War. These laws and restrictions were most agressive in the South, but the majority of locales throughout the country did participate with its own "slave codes" to some extent.

What group formed to help newly freed slaves after the civil war?

The group is called the Freedmen's Bureau.

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