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General Lee surrendered at appomattox

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Q: How did the actions of grant and sherman help bring the war to an end?
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What were the goals and effects of the union strategy of total war?

To attack the infrastructure that supported and supplied the Confederate armies. By laying waste to the rich farmland of Georgia (by Sherman) and the Shenandoah Valley (by Sheridan), they could help to starve enemy soldiers and civilians alike, and ruin their morale. Sherman had reckoned that this would bring victory quicker than by pursuing the enemy through the mountains, as originally ordered by Grant.

Why was it important for the union army to capture the city of atlanta?

According to Grant's strategy, it wasn't important at all. As General-in-Chief, he was not interested in capturing territory, only in destroying the Confederate armies, wherever they might be. Sherman's orders were to target Joe Johnston and the Army of Tennessee. But when they got out of Atlanta and headed for the mountains, Sherman did not succeed in capturing them. So he decided to occupy Atlanta instead, realising that it would sound like big news in the North and help Lincoln's re-election chances.

What was the Union general who captured Atlanta and marched to the sea?

None. Grant had become General-in-Chief, and he was not interested in capturing cities, only in destroying armies. His orders to Sherman were to destroy the Army of Tennessee, wherever it was, and chase it into the mountains if necessary. Sherman had not succeeded in doing this, but when that army took refuge in Atlanta, Sherman decided to occupy the city, even though the enemy managed to escape. One reason was that the capture of Atlanta would make big news in the North, and it was the kind of morale-raising victory that would help Lincoln win the upcoming election. The other was that Sherman was figuring out a way to get free of his over-long supply-line, that was always being attacked by Confederate cavalry. Noting that the rich Georgia farmland had enjoyed a good harvest, he realised that he could live off the land, forget his supply-line, and meanwhile conduct punitive raids on the farms that helped to victual the Confederates in the field. That is when he planned his March to the Sea.

What impact did fultons improved steamboat have transportation in the US?

it help bring cropsand goodsto theirdestination

What did President Grant help pass to prevent Southerners from using fear to shut African Americans out of the political process?

President Grant helped to pass The Enforcements Act to prevent Southerners from using fear to shut African Americans out of the political process.

Related questions

How were the military campaigns of generals Sherman and Grant different in 1864?

The military campaigns of generals Grant and Sherman were different in a few respects. For Sherman, he was not under public pressure to win battles. Grant, being top general and fighting close by in Virginia was under huge pressure to bring about results. The public knew he commanded superior numbers in troops and expected victories.Secondly, Sherman had to move slowly. He lacked water way communications and possessed one base. He also had to rebuild and fortify the railroad systems. Grant had no supply line issues and could move quickly if he wanted to. Thirdly, Sherman was correct that Robert E. Lee would find troops to send against Sherman. Grant was secure and there were few troops at hand to help Lee's Virginia defense. As the defender, however, Lee could afford to send some troops to Johnston in the south.

Why did the war start with the Sherman's March to the Sea?

The war did not start with Sherman's march to the sea. That march was the innovative idea that helped to bring the war to its end. Contrary to Grant's plan, Sherman decided to ignore the army he had been ordered to destroy, cut free from his supply-line, and live off the land - rich Georgia farmland, which he then set out to wreck, partly to punish the civilians for joining a war against the USA, and partly to help starve the Confederate armies. Fortunately Sherman carried enough credibility with Grant to get this plan approved.

Why did Lincoln give Grant permission to destroy the civilian infrastructure?

Because Grant carried high credibility with Lincoln. And Sherman carried high credibility with Grant. It was Sherman who saw that punitive raids on Georgia would weaken the rebellion, help to starve the Southern armies, and show the outer world that the Confederacy was on its last legs.

What is one bill that brad sherman has written?

One bill that Rep. Brad Sherman has written is the Spaceship Earth Grant Program Act, which aims to incentivize the development of technology to help combat climate change.

Who issued the order for Sherman to march to Atlanta?

Nobody. Grant was not interested in capturing territory. He just wanted to destroy the enemy. Sherman's orders were to destroy the Army of Tennessee, wherever it might be. When that army retreated into Atlanta, Sherman decided to capture the city, as a morale-raising story that would help Lincoln's re-election campaign. The Army of Tennessee did, however, escape. That was when Sherman decided on his new plan to make punitive raids on the Georgia farmland, and try to starve the Confederacy into surrender. This was the opposite of what Grant had ordered, but fortunately Sherman carried high credibility with Grant, who eventually endorsed the plan.

Man took control of US Grants army after Grant's advancement 10 1864?

Sherman. But he didn't take control of Grant's army. Grant concentrated all his forces into two armies, and gave one of them to Sherman, ordering him to destroy the Army of Tennessee. Taking Atlanta was not a major objective. When he failed to destroy that army, Sherman opted for the capture of Atlanta instead, because it would sound like big news in the North and help Lincoln win the election. After that, of course, he devised an entirely new strategy - the March to the Sea.

What were the goals and effect of the union strategy of total war?

To attack the infrastructure that supported and supplied the Confederate armies. By laying waste to the rich farmland of Georgia (by Sherman) and the Shenandoah Valley (by Sheridan), they could help to starve enemy soldiers and civilians alike, and ruin their morale. Sherman had reckoned that this would bring victory quicker than by pursuing the enemy through the mountains, as originally ordered by Grant.

What were the goals and effects of the union strategy of total war?

To attack the infrastructure that supported and supplied the Confederate armies. By laying waste to the rich farmland of Georgia (by Sherman) and the Shenandoah Valley (by Sheridan), they could help to starve enemy soldiers and civilians alike, and ruin their morale. Sherman had reckoned that this would bring victory quicker than by pursuing the enemy through the mountains, as originally ordered by Grant.

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These actions can help bring peace and unity to our communities. They can help to bring reconciliation where it is needed

How was winning the Battle of Vicksburg going to help the union?

By denying the Confederates the use of the entire Mississippi, taking 30,000 Confederates out of the war, and enabling Grant and Sherman to move East to help the beleaguered Army of the Cumberland in Chattanooga.

How did the Union's Overland campaign help General Sherman's Atlanta campaign?

The 1864 Overland campaign was designed to destroy the Army of Northern Virginia, however, although Grant's assaults in Virginia cost the Union extremely heavy casualties and also created Confederate casualties, there was no decisive and major victories for the Union. Ultimately General Grant used a siege against Petersburg and Richmond. The heavy pressure that General Grant used against the Virginia Confederates, helped General Sherman's Atlanta campaign and his March to the Sea. With Lee outnumbered in Virginia, Grant's operations prevented any Rebel reinforcements to be sent to stop Sherman in the Deep South.

Who was the team that ended the civil war?

In battlefield terms, Grant and Sherman - greatly helped by Abraham Lincoln, who had learned to choose and use good Generals in the second half of the war. Victory was achieved by Grant ending the system of prisoner-exchange, and basically waiting for the Confederates to run out of manpower, making sure that Lee was pinned-down and unable to carry out any of his famous bold thrusts. Meanwhile Sherman attacked the infrastructure of the Confederacy, burning farms and wrecking railroads, to bring the Southern economy to its knees and help to starve the Confederate troops in the field. This shortened the war by months, at almost nil casualties.