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The north had factories, and had a more urban lifestyle. The south, however, had a more agricultural lifestyle, and depended on slavery.

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Q: How did the abolition of slavery divide the North and South of the United States?
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The Continental Divide is in the Western United States.

How the did the issue of slavery divide the north and the south?

trick question it united them

How did the Northwest Ordinance influence the spread of slavery?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory, setting a precedent for future territories to limit or exclude slavery. This helped contain the spread of slavery to the Southern states and contributed to the divide between free and slave states in the United States.

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Slavery was the one issue that divided the United States more than any other, ultimately leading to the Civil War. The debate over slavery's expansion into new territories and states deepened the divide between the North and South, culminating in the secession of Southern states and the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861.

What is sectional division over slavery?

Sectional division over slavery refers to the deep political and social rift that existed between the Northern and Southern United States in the 19th century over the issue of slavery. The North generally opposed slavery and sought its abolition, while the South defended the institution of slavery as vital to its economy and way of life. This divide ultimately led to the American Civil War.

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The Rocky Mountains includes the Continental Divide in the United States.