

Best Answer

1.) Union takes the Mississippi River.

2.) General Sherman's march through Georgia.

3.)Death of "Stone Wall" Jackson

4.)The Battle of Gettysburg.

5.)Lincoln found after firing sooo many generals that he finally found his man.

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Q: How did the Union secure a victory over the Confederacy?
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Is Gettysburg union or confederacy?

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The seize of Vicksburg, because it gave to the Union full control over the Mississippi River and split into two parts the Confederacy.

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What did President Lincoln accomplish during the US Civil War?

President Lincoln successfully led the Union to victory over the Confederacy, which resulted in the continuation of the United States as a single, unified country, and this also resulted in the end of slavery in the US.

How did technology impact the outcome of the American Civil War?

the union gained a huge advantage over the confederacy because of the union's balloon corp.

What advantage did the union have over the confederacy in the civil war?

Most of the battle was fought in the south. And they knew their land.

What advantages did the confederates have over the union?

One advantage that the Confederacy had in the war was its talented military leaders.