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The Americans helped the Allies by sending resources to them during WWI.

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Q: How did the Americans help the Allies win World War 1?
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What help the Americans win the war?

I think you mean the allies.

Whant's an allies?

an allies is a friend the term was used a lot in world war 2 between the british and the Americans

What side did FDR and most Americans favor in World War 2?

The Allies.

What years did American troops occupy France World War I?

the Americans never occupied parts of France during world war 1. the American expoditionary force that was send to help the allies arrived in 1918

How did foreign aid help the Americans win the war?

french allies supplied them with things they needed

Did Pennsylvania help the allies in world war 1?

Seeing as Pennsylvania is part of the United States and the United States fought for the Allies in World War I, yes.

How were African Americans included in World War 2?

they fought in the services for U.K, also as allies

Did the allies want America's help during World War 1?


How did America help it allies during World War 2?

America helped it's allies during World War 2 by shooting people and stuff. they were smart.

Did most Americans wanted allies to win world war 1?

yes because we were trading partners with them

What did the allies in World War 2 invent to protect ships from subs?

Sonar with the Americans having the advantage.

Did the Allies assassinate anybody during World War 2?

Well. . . . . . I think the British helped the Americans.