from miners who wore red neck "bandana's. They were protesting mining conditions.
They Would Work Out In The Fields All Day Causing them (Mainly their necks) To Turn Red From Sunburn.
Redneck is slang for a stereotype-it can be any town with a large number of them in the opinion of the one referring to it
From the 1880's, New York slang of uncertain origin
The term safe harbor originated from law. It is meant to provide a good faith provision of a statute or regulation in order to decrease or remove one's liability.
The deep south is where the term Ni*** came from and brought back from latin. Ni*** is actually "Black" in latin.
The term "redneck" does not have a direct translation in French. It could be loosely translated as "péquenaud" or "plouc," but these may not capture the full meaning or connotations of the English term.
The name redneck originated in the south. It was used to describe a farmer who worked the fields, bent over a plow or hoeing. Their neck would be red from working in the sun all day. ie "He has a redneck from working all day."
No, 'redneck' is not a racist term; people from the southern USA are not a different race. For the benefit of the asker, I will expand on Nij's excellent answer by saying that although the term "redneck" is not considered racist in itself, it is normally seen as a degrading or disparaging word to describe a male of low intelligence and abnormally racist character, and usually from certain southern US states.
I don't know if it's where it originated and I doubt it, but I've heard it sung by Gretchen Wilson in Redneck Woman The origin of the term is unclear according to all of the online dictionaries.
tater is the redneck term meaning weener
Where did the term derby originate?
No. Redneck is a term referring to poor, white, southern farmers, although many southern people take redneck as a complement.
The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.
you cant become a redneck you have to be born into it. but we all have a little redneck in us.
The term redneck originally just meant a farmer, whose neck got sunburned because he was out in the sun all day working in the field. Nowadays, a redneck means an ignorant person, usually from the Southern US. A redneck is believed to be someone who owns a pickup truck, has hunting dogs, owns several rifles (which are stored in a rack in the truck), drinks a lot of cheap beer, and does stupid things. The joke goes like this: What was the last thing the redneck said? "Hey y'all, watch this!"
"G" is not a significant term in paintball.