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At first, they would sneak out at night, and follow the North Star, a star that led them North. They would travel at night, and hide during the day, from slave owners. Then when Kansas was given the option to vote on weather or not Kansas should be a Free State or a Slave State. That's when Bleeding Kansas Came in. People were having a miniature Civil War between Missouri and Kansas. John brown, a Jawhawker (antislavery) would take a group of men, and go to Missouri, and take some slaves, and bring them back to Kansas. Because Missouri was a Slave State...

Then Later the Civil War broke out.

Im only 13, and this is the best information i can provide you with!

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Q: How did slaves fight for freedom in the south?
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Did blacks fight for the south during the civil war?

Yes they were promised to get there freedom, so the slaves fought for the south.

What did the slaves fight for?

They fought for freedom!

What was the disagreement between the north and the south over states' rights?

the north and south were having the ''civil war'' a fight between freedom of slaves or keeping them. the south thought it was good to own slaves and the north thought it was wrong to have slaves.

Where slaves able to fight for freedom in 1862?

yes slaves were able to fight for their freedom in 1862 because that was the only way they could be free inless they bought their freedom but most slaves didnt have money to do so

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They wanted slaves to revolt and fight for their freedom.

What did freedom mean to slaves in the south?

it mean that they free from slaves

Could the South had fought the CivilI War without slavery?

The War Between the states was not fought over slavery but instead state rights. This does not mean the South did not use slaves in the war, but the south offered slaves a chance to earn freedom if they served in the war, even though only ten percent of southerners were slaves at the time. So to answer this question more directly, yes slaves were not needed in the war but the use of slavery helped the south fight for what they believed in. Which might not have been right to today's society but back then it was a fair trade for slaves to fight and earn freedom.

Did most slaves fight because their owner wanted to or because they wanted to fight for their freedom?

some slaves fought because they wanted to but some were forced to fight!

Why did most southerners refuse to allow African Americans to fight?

Many Southerners believed that slaves were property, and property cannot have a gun, fight, or kill people. Sometimes blacks did fight for the Confederacy, however

Why did the Americans and the British fight again in the Battle of Bunker Hill?

to fight for freedom against slaves

What did the gladiators fight over?

Glory, Money and Freedom (if they were slaves) and their lives.

How did the British convince slaves to fight against the Patriots?

by promising them freedom